Projects and programms

«Green» energy at the Northern Aeration Station
In 2018, a complex of two methane tanks and a gasholder was put into operation at the Northern Aeration Station. In the methane tanks, the silt residue left after wastewater treatment is fermented. The fermentation process produces about 200 cubic meters of biogas from the sludge. After burning, the accumulated in the gas tank biogas can be […]
New workshops at water treatment stations
Demanganation at the Western Filtration Station In 2021, a new Demanganation Workshop was built at the Western Filtration Station. The new system removes excess manganese from the water, which is periodically found in water sources. Start-up and adjustment works are currently underway. Aeration and Flotation at the Golovnye Water Supply Facilities Yekaterinburg Vodokanal is building several new […]
Cleaning up Lake Zdohnia
The sludge collector of the Western Filtration Station is located near Lake Zdochnia. It is a technological facility for cleaning filters and pumping equipment at the Western Filtration Station. When the sludge collector overflowed, part of the bottom sediments from the sludge collector had felt into Lake Zdohnia. Yekaterinburg Vodokanal plans to install 2 modular centrifuges on the […]
Modernization of the Southern aeration station
The enterprise approved the Plan of urgent measures to reduce the impact of the Southern Aeration Station on the surrounding area for the period 2020-2023. The Plan includes more than 17 events in two main areas: Modernization of facilities, installation of odor removal systems and filters, overhaul and reconstruction of biological treatment systems. Selection, testing […]
Investment program
Yekaterinburg Vodokanal implements two types of programs: the Production program and the Investment program. The Production program provides repairs of pipelines and overhauls of the enterprise’s facilities. Every year, the Administration of Yekaterinburg approves the network repair plan. In turn, the Investment program of the enterprise provides major events aimed at modernization of the existing infrastructure and building […]